It’s almost time to get your gloves on and light your sparklers – Bonfire Night and the firework displays that go with it are soon upon us! For those enjoying a family-friendly holiday in Truro, Cornwall has several Bonfire Night celebrations you can attend, taking place on or around the famous 5th of November date!
Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is one of Britain’s most unique traditions. It is an annual commemoration of the events of the 5th November 1605, when Guy Fawkes and his comrades failed their attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I. In the years since, we remember Guy Fawkes by burning effigies on the 5th of November, and since the early 1900s, light fireworks, making the event family-friendly.
Tremorvah Playing Fields, Truro
Tuesday 5th November 2019, from 5pm
Tremorvah Playing Fields will once again host the annual fireworks display, the biggest in Truro. The event begins at 5pm and finishes at 7pm. The gates open at 5pm, and the bonfire will be lit at 6pm, with the fireworks starting around 6.30pm. Hot food and refreshments will be available to buy to keep you warm on a chilly November night! Keep the celebrations going throughout the night with glowsticks and sparklers that will be available on stalls at the event.

Priory Park Football Field, Bodmin
Tuesday 5th November, 6pm
Head to Priory Park Football Field in Bodmin for their annual Bonfire Night celebrations. As well as a spectacular bonfire, there will also be a laser show and fireworks display to complete the fantastic evening. Keeping the whole family entertained, the Bonfire Night celebrations will also feature a funfair with children’s rides. Refuel with some delicious snacks at the food stalls, and grab a hot drink to sip on as you watch the fireworks brighten up the sky above!
Falmouth Cricket Club, Falmouth
One of the biggest firework displays in Cornwall, Falmouth’s Bonfire Night celebrations will feature over £8,000 worth of fireworks! Held annually at Falmouth Cricket Club, the event welcomes families to enjoy an evening of entertainment and refreshments. As well as the impressive fireworks display, which is accompanied by music from Pirate FM, you’ll be treated to entertainment from fire eaters. To help fund the event, an entrance price of £4 per adult and £2 per child will be required.

Lappa Valley
Saturday 2nd November 2019, 7pm
Lappa Valley is putting on a special Fireworks and Steam Extravaganza this year. A visit to Lappa Valley’s Steam Extravaganza will treat you with a collection of traction engines, fairground organs and railway locomotives, including visiting steam engines! The Steam Extravaganza will run during Saturday day and night, as well as on Sunday 3rd during the day. On Saturday evening, the fireworks show will take place, with admission starting at 5pm. Entrance to the fireworks will cost £5.
Watergate Bay, Newquay
Saturday 2nd November, 7pm
One of the best-loved beaches in Cornwall, Watergate Bay will be the place to go for firework lovers in the Newquay area. A professional team will be setting up fireworks in the hills around the Bay, so head to the beach for the best views of this fantastic display. While you wait for it to get dark enough for the fireworks to start, grab a hot drink and a bite to eat from the food stands, and enjoy the music! The event is free to attend, but there will be collections and raffles held for local organisations.
Heartlands, Redruth
Tuesday 5th November, 4pm-9pm
A popular family event and one of the biggest fireworks displays in Cornwall, Heartlands Bonfire & Fireworks Night promises to be one you won’t want to miss! The bonfire is set to be lit at 6.30pm, with the fireworks starting at 8pm. With the event commencing at 4pm, you can also enjoy the fairground rides and live music performances from John Curnow and Rudi’s Message. Heartlands is a great place for a family day out, so why not spend an afternoon exploring Heartlands and learning more about Cornwall’s heritage before the event?
Which of these firework displays are you going to be attending this Bonfire Night? Be sure to wrap up warm!