Have you found any hidden pieces of art recently?

October 09th, 2015

Ceramic potter and artist, Lincoln Kirby Bell, has hidden more than half a dozen of his creations across Cornwall.

The potter began hiding his ceramics, and more recently decorated pebbles, around 20 years ago: “I like to experiment from time to time. Sometimes pieces sell well and sometimes they don’t seem to fit in, and that’s when I leave them about.”

“I tend to bury pieces that I’m less happy with on beaches or hide them in woods for people to find” stated Lincoln.

It was a couple from North Wales who most recently found one of Lincoln’s pieces, a ceramic head washed up in a stream on Portheras Cove. Volunteers of the Friends of Portheras Cove, successfully traced the piece back to Lincoln, who was astounded that it had been found: “I buried this one in quite a deep hole actually, so I was surprised it was found so quickly.”

The piece has been donated to local marine conservation networks the Friends of Portheras Cove, Lego Lost at Sea and Beachcombing’s Bizarre and Beautiful and will be included in their workshops for school children to see.

However, you haven’t missed out on locating Lincoln’s work as the potter says there are still at least half a dozen of his larger pieces hidden on beaches around Penwith.

“Sometimes I’ll leave them where they may never be found. I’ve thrown a few pebbles into the English Channel when I’ve taken the ferry across. You never know, there may be a one in a million chance that someone gets in touch with me after cutting into a fish that’s swallowed it.”

The pieces are stamped with Lincoln’s logo so if you do manage to find one, you can contact the artist and let him know.

For more information about Lincoln’s work check out his website.

Why not book a wonderful break at The Valley, Cornwall and see if you can spot some of Lincoln’s brilliant masterpieces?

Image: Chris Andrews  available via Creative Commons